Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lookin Out My Back Door...

Went out & about today junking & found a few treasures . Looked for a 50 cal muzzle loader rifle.
I think I will black powder hunt in 09 both deer & elk & to hunt elk you need 50 cal or larger. I have a 45 cal I bought at a garage sale last summer for $20 it was missing a few parts spring, cap, sock screw & bolt foung them on line for $35 It's a CVA this is the same only 50 cal..Fun to shoot.
the rifles will be given to patrol officers and that the agency was grateful for the gifts.Sing me up...
Our game represents a fun way to focus attention on a very serious subject—cruelty to animals...
I think animals are tasty!!!! Tin-foil-hat? I hope not like HERE..& HERE...& HERE...Justices wanted to dismiss Berg’s Writ of Certiorari they could have but they deliberately chose to discuss it 24 hours after congress officially counts the Electoral College’s votes; reason being Berg’s issue of standing will now be valid! Once Obama official wins the national vote (via the counting of Electoral College’s votes), Berg’s issue of harm being done to him by Obama now becomes legally valid it is no longer theoretical; thus Berg does have legal standing!Here is the Docket...January 16th
May be a very interesting day. I just wonder why he has fought this instead of coffin up his birth Certificate He has hired law firms and spent over $800 K to fight it. Makes me go hummmm.
I have to go now the voices are telling me to go clean the guns & put on my Tin-Foil-Hat
Happy new year Roy

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