Sunday, May 14, 2017

Wishing I could call my old buddy Pat. It was a lot of years ago in what seems a previous life. I had two bikes a 1975 Triumph 750 Bonneville & a 1978 Kawasaki Z1R [Zoom Zoom] Pat and I decided to go on a adventure. We were headed to Portland to see a buddy that had just opened a motorcycle salvage Company. Me on the Z1 Pat on the Bonny.
We left Friday Edmonds Wa around 3pm drove I5 South to Renton down 167 the back way to 7 & down to spend the night at Riffe Lake not far from Morton wa. Back then no camp sights no little areas like it is now. It was wide open you could stay anywhere you wanted for free. We put up the tent gathered some wood and started a fire then sipped on the Blackberry Brandy. We got up the next am and packed the crap back into the big orange back pack I had tied to the sissy bar of the Z1R. & we headed to I5 on HWY 12. When we hit I5 South we went it was only around 80 miles but boy did we hate the freeway driving. It seemed like it took forever. We got to Georges new business and it was closed well I didn’t call first we wanted to surprise him & it was a 3 day weekend I was sure he would be open oh well. We found out from a worker at the auto body shop next door that he had went to Seattle. OOP’s I had brought a Polaroid camera and we had the body shop worker to take our pic with the bikes and then I dropped it in Georges  Mail slot so he would know we had been their. Back on the bikes & we headed I5 again and turned off at HWY 30. Showed up at me sisters house in St Helens Oregon to surprise her and the kids. Mary & the kids were home so we visited for ½ our or so. Then back on the bikes HWY 30 headed to Astoria for dinner then over the bridge & up 101 to spend the night at Lake Quinault. Put up the tent drank beer and told story’s in the fire light. Up the next am had breakfast at the Lodge. It was a beautiful morning and we were able to eat in the open on the air second story of the lodge overlooking the lake. Beautiful sight mountains in the background big lake and we were able to see a small school of trout zig zag swimming with the sun reflecting off the silver scales. We loaded up and headed up 101 around the horn to the Whistling Oyster Bar in Quilcene about 141 miles. Part of that ride the roads follows the shoreline of Lake Crescent lots of gentle twists and turns and the road was freshly asphalted when we got to the far end of the like we talked about riding back to do it again. Well a few pitchers of beer at the bar in Quilcene and down the road a little ways to spend the night on a old logging road.
The next morning we headed over the
Hood Canal Bridge headed to Kingston then headed back to my house in Edmonds. Pat enjoyed riding so much he bought a 1977? z1000cc Kawasaki LTD. We did a lot more riding after the first trip.
Heres a pic of Pat & the 2 Kaws. I miss the adventures with you buddy.