Monday, March 30, 2009

Bubba Cam

Well here is an new pic of me . I was surfing the net & found a Bubba Cam in Cabella’s bargain basement.
So I bought it & set it up on the drive by shooting range.
Well 1 Pic me. I went to move it further down the range & found the neighbor has cleared what he thought was the property line on the east side of our lot. I think it’s 15’ or 20’ on my side. I know when a fence is in place it’s hard to get it moved. I talked with him later that day. When he was home from work. He said I couldn’t find the marker & thought this was where it was. I asked if he was putting in a fence. No he had bought his son [senior in hi school] a quad & had the land cleared so he could ride his quad.
That’s all good but the old logging road that the drive by range is on use to have all kinds of tracks and signs that
The local animals were using it. A while back Linnea Will & I came back after a 3 day weekend & found a big pile
of bear scat on it. Also deer & coyotes tracks. Well now
That the animals have a freeway from the back 18.75 acres
The main road there not using the drive by route. O-well.
I have been keeping busy getting the camper & flat bed trailer ready to go. Had to put a hitch extension on the truck so it could pull a trailer. I have put wheel chocks on the trailer to carry the two bikes. XL250R & XL350R the 350
Is street & off road . The 250 is just off road. I found a muffler w/ spark arrestor for the 250 so it can be ridden
In state parks. Went to Les Swab today to get mama’s tires changed. They were busier than Obama’s cabinet trying to
Get out of paying taxes & penalties. I had a 2 hour wait

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shine up your Tin-Foil-Hats pop some popcorn - grab your favorite drink & spend 2 HRS here… Then try to disprove this video.. Obama Hope & Change Maybe Not… I like the first comments here I like the first one...His words HERE...Haven't heard this on the Local News..
President Barack Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter....If you can read you have it made in the good old USA...
More questions about his BC...& Here...Courts have concluded that only 'a candidate or his political party has standing to challenge the inclusion of an allegedly ineligible rival on the ballot.'Here comes Alan Keys...Lies Dam Lies watch this...More Obama Stuff...The longer we go more people wake from the Obama trance. I am hoping enough will wake before it’s to late

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hope & Change-Hope he gets thrown out we need the Change..

“If you look at where the congress is, this was negotiated between the house and senate. Would we like to get the earmarks down further? Yes. Would we like to make them more transparent? Yes. Will that happen in the future? Yes. We’ve been in office less than eight weeks. This was negotiated before we came into office,” Orszag said on CNN’s State of the Union.
Orszag says the president will be much tougher when it comes to next year’s spending bill.
I remember Him saying he would do this if he was POUS...Could he bale us all out if everyone did this???
I don't think so how can 8-9% screw it up so bad for the rest of us??
* Signing a tragically flawed, trillion dollar "stimulus" bill that will encumber future generations with debt just to fund programs that America neither needs nor wants;No could anyone look at before voteing it in...Today the Obama Administration published a proposed regulation to repeal the Provider Conscience Rule, which protects medical caregivers against being forced to do procedures contrary to their conscience.Oh thats mistakes he dosn't want his Daughters to have to pay for..
If you dont want an abortion fine dont have one but dont make a law so the DR.s have to proform them.
"tax extenders"--pork.See your states pork..More Smoke & mirrows "jots and tittles."..The omnibus bill's price tag and its nearly $8 billion for local projects -- so-called pork-barrel spending or earmarks -- have made it a lightning rod for controversy as the government struggles with a tough economy.Maybe the DEMS want to get re-elected... On “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. John McCain , R-Ariz., said President Obama should be weighing in on the earmark issue “because we’re talking about $480 billion of taxpayers’ money loaded down with $8 billion worth of earmark pork barrel projects, and we could go into definitions of that, but the fact is they’re unneeded, unwanted, unnecessary.”McCain is on the money...Forget what I said & hear this I mean it this time Honest...
I dont belive Obama ...
"We had a plan to stimulate the economy that cost half as much as the president's proposal and would have created twice as many jobs," Republican Minority Leader John Boehner said on CBS' "Face the Nation. Obama's plan is working lots of new jobs!!!! Opps nevermind..
We need to get the DEMS away from our check books...
Roy still don't like Obama

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Change & Hope--- I hope he Changes

This is a pic of the old House on Sidney Road in Port Orchard...
Okay here we go some more. It’s been a while but here we go.
Linnea & I went to my sister’s house in St Helens Ore & spent the night last Friday. We had a good time We were met with more family at dinner Nephew Bill wife Stacy with there kids Nash & Mara- Nephew Harold wife Michele with there kids Shawn & Salinea Niece Sue her boy friend & her daughter & grandkids.
It was fun. After dinner Linnea Mary Bill & I played pennicol
Mary & Linnea kicked our butts. Sat Bill & I loaded a new to us
Couch & love seat on my little trailer & Linnea drove it home.
I must have had here pull over so I could check straps & ropes 4 or 5 times. I was worried about it falling off the trailer but No Worries…We made it fine. Friday Craig & I are going to try
Shooting the black powder rifles. I hava a CVA 50 cal to sight in.
Craig will be shooting the 45 cal. We are going to try black powder deer hunting this year. Planning to comb the hills around Mossy Rock with my old motorcycles to learn the lay of the land.
Sat Linnea & I are going to Joan’s 60th birthday & it should be a Hoot. I have started the Adkins Diet again this time I will go 3 weeks then take a weekend off then 3 weeks etc. I was on it two week before we headed to Ore then I fell off the wagon. I do hate the diet but it keeps my blood suger in check & the pounds do seem to go away. Owell enpught all ready here’s thing I have found.Good News from Mother Russia..Tin-Foil-Hat?Maybe NOT..I don't Qualify Because I have been paying my Mortgage if you do you are a IDIOT...Might as well do what this kid DID..