Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hope & Change-Hope he gets thrown out we need the Change..

“If you look at where the congress is, this was negotiated between the house and senate. Would we like to get the earmarks down further? Yes. Would we like to make them more transparent? Yes. Will that happen in the future? Yes. We’ve been in office less than eight weeks. This was negotiated before we came into office,” Orszag said on CNN’s State of the Union.
Orszag says the president will be much tougher when it comes to next year’s spending bill.
I remember Him saying he would do this if he was POUS...Could he bale us all out if everyone did this???
I don't think so how can 8-9% screw it up so bad for the rest of us??
* Signing a tragically flawed, trillion dollar "stimulus" bill that will encumber future generations with debt just to fund programs that America neither needs nor wants;No could anyone look at before voteing it in...Today the Obama Administration published a proposed regulation to repeal the Provider Conscience Rule, which protects medical caregivers against being forced to do procedures contrary to their conscience.Oh thats mistakes he dosn't want his Daughters to have to pay for..
If you dont want an abortion fine dont have one but dont make a law so the DR.s have to proform them.
"tax extenders"--pork.See your states pork..More Smoke & mirrows "jots and tittles."..The omnibus bill's price tag and its nearly $8 billion for local projects -- so-called pork-barrel spending or earmarks -- have made it a lightning rod for controversy as the government struggles with a tough economy.Maybe the DEMS want to get re-elected... On “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. John McCain , R-Ariz., said President Obama should be weighing in on the earmark issue “because we’re talking about $480 billion of taxpayers’ money loaded down with $8 billion worth of earmark pork barrel projects, and we could go into definitions of that, but the fact is they’re unneeded, unwanted, unnecessary.”McCain is on the money...Forget what I said & hear this I mean it this time Honest...
I dont belive Obama ...
"We had a plan to stimulate the economy that cost half as much as the president's proposal and would have created twice as many jobs," Republican Minority Leader John Boehner said on CBS' "Face the Nation. Obama's plan is working lots of new jobs!!!! Opps nevermind..
We need to get the DEMS away from our check books...
Roy still don't like Obama

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