Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday only 5 Days Left to Get Me Something NICE!

Well we are trying to Weather the STORM OF O8... We have 5-6" of the white stuff. Linnea came home from work early took her a long time to make it home. People with street tires spinning & sliding all over the place others stuck in the ditch some stopped on the freeway & couldn't get going again. Watching the news it wasn't just on this side of the pond Seattle was in rear form also.
Stayed home today but tommrorow we will go out & about we need food for us & the dog.
Remmy our pound puppy [6-7yo] isn't able to eat regular food she is allergic to something
& when we feed here people food she scratches like crazy. We have to go to pet-co & get Dick Vanpation food [8 is enough] Also the Dog Bones. She dose good till the garbage gets radded
then she turns pink & scratches up a storm. Things found on WWW Roy
Wont the Obama Haters ever stop???Probley not till he shows the BC...
21 different taped conversations..Dose anyone know what the definition of IS-IS?6075 Kalanianaole Highway in Honolulu since before Obama was born."You're a prostitute. You're coming with me.""It's unfortunate that sometimes police officers have to use force against people who are using force against them. And the evidence will show that both these folks violated the law and forcefully resisted arrest."I hope this family ends up with a lot of money..intoxication manslaughter for the death of her boyfriend, Not the things you do it's who you sue...Robitaille could face suspension or expulsion.Zero tolerance I think he should be kicked out forever with 1 year in jail than I think the guns would stay out of schools..He will probley do something like this .....The baby was connected to a feeding tube..She is the Parent of the year...The 30 illustrations are from the book Elektroshutz, found in Vienna's Technisches Museum.I like the Boy & the trolley wire...

lame-duck Republican

W is acting just like when Slick Willie left wonder if W will take all the O's off the keyboards...
Stay Tuned Roy

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